Every time I begin to think that the 'politically correct' thing has run its course, I am confronted with another reason why that is not the case.

We are becoming SO afraid of offending anyone that we are only succeeding in diminishing EVERYONE. So afraid of exposing the youngun's of adult fare that we are now not letting ADULTS see it, at least not without some pretty bizarre thresholds.

I am not for allowing 4 year olds to watch sexual intercourse (porn) unfettered but it is not that I fear it will stunt their growth. It won't, but I intensely dislike the disenfranchisement of childhood. Kids should be kids for as long as possible but anyone who thinks they can shield the wee ones from EVERYTHING distasteful or even just moderately adult has forgotten what it is like to BE a child and further to ACT like one.

Children are crafty little sonsofabitches. Everytime you think you have sufficiently hidden the porn, POOF, there it is under the covers with your little precious and his (or her) flashlight.

NSFW labels now abound to the extent they are on everything but detergent commercials. PULEEZE.

Entire websites are now scrambling to remove from view anything deemed 'inappropriate'... by who? 

JUST EXACTLY WHO IS this arbiter of things unsuitable for children and adults too? WHO GETS TO CALL THE SHOTS?
(speaking of gun safety or the lack thereof).

You cannot legislate morality for the most part, and yet although we have tried and failed for milennia, we still keep trying AND FAILING. For every rule, regulation, law, or admonition designed to keep whatever is deemed obscene at the moment out of the hands of the young/deranged, it just never ever works very well. We humans are FAR too crafty, devious, and sneakily good at finding ways around the barriers put in place by those who still think (dunces all) that they can and should and WILL, try and the vast array of failed attempts notwithstanding doesn't seem to deter them in the least. WHY NOT one might ask, but I fear that the necessity/gnawing need for some to manipulate and control everything but sheets and pillowcases is the overriding factor here...and woe be unto anyone who might suggest that perhaps that they should go take a nap until the urges pass.

I am sick to death of the ultra right wing NUT JOBS who think they have the right to tell everyone else how to think, act, do, be. 


Tumblr is a good example of a website that used to be a great place to find almost anything, pornographic or not. They had great stuff, but no longer.  They are SO fearful that someone will complain and whine and moan and piss and vinegar about content POSTED BY OTHER USERS, that they have removed everything but jello commercials and even those require adult supervision. It is ridiculous. Even rampant porn isn't this vulgar or obscene.

I will now tell you how I have ALWAYS managed to keep from being offended. (Being open-minded helps, being a mature adult is another).

If and when I see something that bothers me...I JUST MOVE ALONG. I let those who find it ok, DO so. God invented the TV remote and the arrows on computers FOR A REASON. SO you could USE them INSTEAD of sitting there OUT LOUD whining and bitching and expecting to be able to BLOCK said content for everyone when it is NOBODY'S right to dictate for the rest of us what we can and should be able to or not see. THERE IS NEVER A GOOD REASON OR JUSTIFICATION FOR CENSORSHIP. PERIOD. FREEDOM is what our ancestors fought so hard for and for many of us it is sacrosanct.


Next time you see something that offends your precious tender don't have to delete it or the provider or block or HOLLER AND SCREAM AND WHINE...and by the way what ever happened to PARENTS, monitoring their children's behavior and PARENTING. Gone the way of the Model T I fear, sad to say. Parents nowadays seem to  think that teachers, neighbors, TV, ANYONE...should do that job. SINCE WHEN? 

Oh yes, the internet. Just a wonderful job of parenting IT does. SO? What does one do when confronted with objectionable (to YOU) material? One thing comes to mind...

Geez, how difficult is that.

If I post something you don't like move on. Come back cause I post VAST posts of stuff on a wide range of topics and you know what? YOU JUST MIGHT LEARN SOMETHING.


Never know. But life is funny like that.

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