Be it a gentle rain rather than a torrential downpour? 

Hard rains tend to runoff without providing needed relief. A good old-fashioned sod-soaker allows the soil to absorb it. Deliver YOUR rainfall in a way that the soil it is intended for is able to absorb IT.

When you laugh with someone it feels really good. When they hold you when you NEED a hug, cry with you, and are willing to go to jail with you...THEN you got a friend for life.

A FRIEND laughs with you, sees you at your best yet knows you at your worst. AND, their still loving you through it all is more precious than gold.

I see your every fault, every flaw, every failing, every mistake you have ever made. THEN, I look in the mirror. DUDE, YOU ain't so bad after all.

Some people should NEVER have access to EITHER weapons OR a microphone.

Anyone with no ammo between their ears should never be allowed to shoot from their mouths.

I love the heat of the moment. In fact I am notorious for BURSTING INTO FLAMES.

You better be a real good swimmer if you expect to follow the BIG fish.

TRUTH always defeats lies, but you gotta know the difference first.

Everything has its price. Life does too. But for those unwilling to pay the price, they will NEVER get to enjoy all the goodies on the other side of the tollbooth.

I love going to fairs, but I DO NOT recommend going to the trollbooth

Do NOT hang out with assholes, lest you become known for THEIR CRAP.

Sometimes Sunken Treasure is nothing more than pieces of HATE.

As long as we can still see the bubbles on the surface of your life, we will know you're still alive.

Merely going through the fire is a far cry from BEING the fire.

Lies are like piles of manure. Left out in the sunlight they start to STINK real quick. The more the lies, the bigger the pile.

TELLING a lie is far easier than trying to keep it from spreading.

You can dress up a lie all you want, but in the end all you got is a fashionable LIE. & THAT kind of fashion don't last.

Going IN & OUT of fashion is kinda like having sex with clothes.
Never lasts long enough, and you always wind up looking like last years wash. 

BETTER TO BE a fashion-setter than wearing someone else's.

If I could figure out a way to get through life without working, I would not. If I could figure out a way to coast through life instead of taking each step, I would not. If I could figure out a way to smooth out the hills of life so I could make it through faster, I would not. Life isn't meant to be work/pain/hill/mountain free. It's meant to be LIVED FULLY through it all...and when you do, and LEARN, you KNOW what life really is.

The pebbles of life ONLY become stones and then boulders if you keep kicking them down the road ahead of you. Pick them up when they are pebbles, and the boulders will pick YOU up when you need to be lifted.

Things only become trends when either enough wise people OR enough FOOLS adopt them like pets. Trends, like pets, need to be fed and nurtured or they become starved for attention and eventually will turn on you.

As a science project, I decided to mix one part me with one part life to see what would result. I'm now picking up the pieces after the explosion.

If I had a dollar for every good idea I've had, I'd be RICH. If I had a dollar for everytime I decided to ACT on those good ideas, follow them through, and felt success or failure wasn't important. TRYING was. I'd be rich too. BROKE but rich. 

NEVER make someone your priority when to them YOU are only an option.

Sex is great, unless it's the only thing you've got.
Like last years trend of the week, it doesn't wear well all by itself.

Learn from the past, savor the present day, and hope for the future. In the end, that is what you have. Sharing it all with someone who deserves it is the frosting on the cake. It isn't the cake.

Don't look exclusively to others for your affirmation. They will differ and they will sometimes be wrong. If you stay true to the one who knows you best, YOU, you'll still make mistakes...
But you'll fare better in the long run. & you won't have the hollow victory of playing the blame game with people who don't deserve it.

I don't pretend to know everything. Far from it. I only know MY reality and I have enough trouble trying to keep up with that. I'm afraid you will have to look after your own reality.
If we both get busy doing that, we'll probably be ok.

If you live on a lake, but long to live on a river...remember. Both are only water.

It's far more important to be the best you can be than to have the best you can buy. Things fade. YOU don't have to.
If impressing others with the things you have is your goal, you can't ever keep up with that. Impressing them with YOU is far more important. Lasts longer too. & much more personally satisfying.

The people in your life are much more significant than the material assets in your life. In the event of a natural disaster, the things will be gone. You better have in your life people who won't be. I've seen the aftermaths of tornadoes and hurricanes. We all watched the aftermath of the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. We are watching the chaos in the Middle East, from Tunisia to Libya to syria to Afghanistan. No matter the issue, PEOPLE are what counts. Treasure the ones in your life.

Friends are worth their weight in gold, and good ones are hard to come by. Don't let them slip away. Relationships, like things, will become dysfunctional over time if not well-maintained.

The Rust Belt. The Snow Belt.The Rain Belt. Hurricane Alley. Tornado Alley. The Bible Belt. This country is full of demographic labels. Sadly, we try to do the same thing with people. Jews, Blacks, Gays, Women, Minorities, Native Americans...often merely translates into 'them'.
Remember: 'them' are people too. Just like you. Human traits are pretty universal. But by categorizing people, you often diminish them for you. Not for them. Separating yourself from 'them,' costs you the ability to learn from 'them'. That's never a good thing. Old, young, thin or not, or whatever. People are unique in their diversity. Stay open. Never know. You just might learn something. Imagine that.

AND, if you don't like being buried in the snow belt,
Perhaps you'd like to travel in 'tornado belt' style.
You can, in time and with effort, change your physical surroundings. (I keep trying, LOL). But, don't make the mistake of trying to 'change' the people in your life. Allow them to be the people they are. Respect their opinions and beliefs. You probably cannot change those and really shouldn't try. You only succeed in frustrating yourself to no avail. & what if you do succeed in changing them, will they still be the people you liked to start with? It's like the old saw about trying to find yourself, only to discover when you do that you don't like what you found.  

IN THE END...we aren't promised either happiness or even tomorrow. Make the most of what you have of both. You'll be a lot wiser and a whole lot more fun to be around. That does not mean you can't try to right wrongs or change things for the better...both in your life and in life in general. It's part of the human will to wish to make things a little better than we found them. But pick your fights carefully and do your homework. Then give it all you got. 

In life, give it all the gusto you can. It's better to wear out than to rust out. You get NO points for rust.

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