Have you ever been in the mountains and suddenly noticed that no two peaks you see are exactly alike? 

Same with sunsets and sunrises. Always different. Animals and as much as they may appear at first to be identical, they are not. Twins. Identical by name, but not really. Close perhaps but...

Roads and tunnels and bridges and lakes and rivers and streams and the sky at night, or day. 

Millions upon millions of God's creations lie before us constantly, and yet NO TWO are exactly alike.

That would tell me that God himself LIKES diversity, for it is he who created all this uniqueness. 

So why would anyone who has even a passing acquaintenance with God and/or His word think for one second that God would hate certain groups of people or individuals...MERELY BECAUSE THEY ARE DIFFERENT. THAT makes NO sense whatsoever. It is illogical, but it is also inherently untrue. God does not hate anyone or anything. He hates hate and that is about it. He doesn't even hate haters, but merely cannot look at them and will never welcome them into Heaven as long as they hang onto their hate.

Women are different than men, but God created both. Heterosexuals are different than homosexuals and bisexuals and transgenders, but God created them all. 

God also said Love one another as I have loved you. He also said As ye have seen me do go ye and do likewise. He loves all of us so that means...DUH.

The one exception is if people are doing things that hurt others, that is a no-go. Being Homophobic and gender biased is hurtful to others, so that is a no-go. You will never see the Kingdom of God if you are homophobic or gender biased. Or if you hate other people PERIOD.

See, God loves what He made, and in all its diversity that HE created. We are ALL made to interract with each other, interrelate, be cohesive...and in HIS divine plan for the human race there is obviously a reason why he made us all so diverse. Heck, even our ears are different from each other. Our fingerprints as well. Often one leg is shorter than the other. We are all quite unique in our entirety and in the parts that make up what we are. Personalities, brains, voices, speech patterns.

So, I would suggest you get over the hate if you even want to get to Heaven and love everyone you see. Except for the haters. LOL.

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