Donald Trump has a very very long history of evading the natural repercussions for his actions, criminal or otherwise. He has been associated with NY organized crime, Russian Oligarchs, sleazy business practices and financial mayhem for decades...and the ONLY thing that has ever ensnared him is bankruptcy, mutliple times I might add.
He charms, cajoles and bribes whenever and whoever he has to to avoid the ramifications of his shall we say less than morally upright actions. He does what it takes to whomever is amenable and thus has never truly encountered what it is like to 'pay the piper'. So of course by now he is convinced that he is 'special', above the law and not accountable. He lies like a well-worn rug constantly and the same applies to that as well.
He has pathologically lied and gotten away with it for so long he now thinks it is morally acceptable. What is the incentive to tell the truth if it would hurt him when he knows his adulators will exempt him from truthtelling without penalty?
SO, he thinks he is merely not bound by the same constraints that the rest of us 'lesser beings' are. He has become dangerously emboldened to the kind of outrageous behavior that would have put any of the rest of us in jail long ago and of course he does all this within the good graces of a very accomodating Republican Party that has virtually sold its soul to the highest bidder. Trump!
Trump is not a democrat although he used to be. He certainly isn't a Republican in the traditional sense.
He is by nature an Autocrat, a Dictator in Republican clothing and scant few of those either.
He doesn't govern, he rules like any self-respecting dictator, and not by affection but by fear like Putin and others of his ilk. Trump has proven very very good at discening peoples' weaknesses and capitalizing on them, exploiting them.
Perhaps the scariest part of him being POTUS is not what he has managed to do to and against the American form of government and its institutions but what he could yet accomplish given another term (or more since he has indicated he doesn't feel constrained by traditional term-limits rules either).
That boggles my mind. It also boggles my mind that there are enough uninformed, self-absorbed/self-motivated unpatriotic Americans ( especially in Republican gerrymandered districts ) who rejoice in the kind of chaos he brings to the table in everything he does that they would indeed vote him another term.
Scary yes, but I am NOT so naive as to think that there aren't enough whinyass crybabies out there that he couldn't conceivably get re-elected. There are enough Republicans who care less about America than their own personal agendas out here to accomplish just that and THAT saddens me to my core. As long as these people get what they want that is all that matters to them. Us 4 and no more, give to me and fuck everyone else, and those who insist we need to go back to a time that ONLY at best EVER existed in their warped minds. The Beaver Cleaver syndrome and the Donna Reed/Jim & Margaret/Ozzie & Harriet America that barely existed on TV and never in real life. Funny thing is...these modern-day Republicans are totally into themselves and nobody else and yet, in the Cleaver/Stone/Anderson/Nelson mold, these people were NEIGHBORS, FRIENDS, and pals who DID look out for each other and cared about each other so even this new version of the old 1950's TV family doesn't pass the smell test. Ozzie and Harriet got with their neighbors and friends cause they cared. The new breed of whinydots do it just so they can BITCH, and piss and moan and complain. BIG difference. GO out to a Trump district and to one of his rallies and LISTEN to the adherents to Trumpism. It is all about what they WANT, ARE AGAINST, and NOTHING about what is good for the country or the rest of its people...especially people of color, the financially distressed, women, gays, Jews, etc.
These Trumpette people are the real enemy of American democracy via their selfishness and lack of true patriotism. THEY are the fuel the Trump train runs on. THEY are the fire in the bloated belly of the dangerously incompetent narcissist now sitting in the Oval Office and that should scare the FUCK out of every American. I know there are those who at their folly think we need to cut these people MORE slack. NOT AT THE EXPENSE OF THIS COUNTRY, methinks. They can go to Russia and bitch all they want.
BUT, leave this country if you don't like it. Stay and work within the system to IMPROVE what we have but tearing down America? Never will work.
I AM TIRED of the Politically correct bullshit. THAT crap will send this country down the proverbial river amid the fast-moving currents of history and that will be that.
Trump of course feigns to LIKE THEM, yeh right. Truth is, Trump feeds off their adulation at rallies, etc...and they feed off the promises he makes, EVEN WHEN he doesn't keep them. They still suck his ass like a plunger stuck on a toilet bowl. Hopeful that since he promised he WILL DELIVER, someday...that they will get the judges and the demise of worker safety and environmental regulation and the chipping away of our American social safety net and go away HAPPY AS FUCK cause they see that as benefitting THEIR WALLETS even when it hurts the hell out of this country and its most vulnerable citizens. THEY DO NOT long as they get what THEY want. He spews his lies at rallies and they whoop and holler even if down deep they know he is so full of shit they have to keep hosing down the stage even while he is talking and will continue to long after he is dead and gone and all that is left is the cartoon smoke and a huge manure pile and long after any rational patriot would be long gone and pushing the lever frantically for any Democrat within shouting distance.
Trump is like being high without alcohol or drugs, you know the fun stuff. It is an empty emotion, an effort that in the long term only leaves one feeling deflated and hopeless.
As someone who comes from a
(more than one) military hero family I am more disheartened by what is happening than you could ever possibly imagine. My ancestors must be spinning in their military hero graves. I have two or three ancestors whose statues stand in Statuary Hall in the Capitol. I think they must be about ready to walk out. Some fought for this country BEFORE IT WAS a country and amused they aren't I am sure.
Trump makes me sad sure, but as I wrote in a recent post it is not him alone by far but the gross negligence as Americans displayed by far too many who should know better.
Blinded by greed and avarice
and who perpetuate ignorance and apathy, we are in this mess because of what should be illegal Republican gerrymandering and left to flounder in a country becoming increasingly less recognizable as the great country/experiment our founders created and expected WE THE PEOPLE to continue to protect
at all costs.
Long after the Trump Train has left the station in a clusterfuck of noise without postive substance and the buckboard moving out, albeit dirty and disheveled but still trolling across the plains...loaded with the bygone era enthusiasts who long for the Beaver Cleaver/Ozzie & Harriet style America they wish for but which never really existed?
While WE are left with the carcass of what we used to call...America.
These yahoos will still be here ready and willing to finish off what they started, really with Reagan.
The irony is they only long for what never was CAUSE THEY HAVE BEEN BRAIN-WASHED to believe it really existed. By the likes of Karl Rove and others eager to pounce on the gullibility of the less educated, less sophisticated and the greedy among us and to extract as much money and power as they can from those sadly oh so willing to give it up, like the Republicans in Congress giving up their Constitutional authority of oversight.
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